Berlin Cures –
Home of a Unique Platform Technology

Berlin Cures is a clinical stage company that leverages the power of its aptamer technology platform to develop effective therapeutics that address the root cause of diseases associated with the presence of pathogenic functional autoantibodies.

A group of scientists from the Max Delbrück Center (MDC), the Charité Berlin, and the German Heart Institute Berlin had been studying the pathogenetic significance of functional autoantibodies that bind to G protein-coupled receptors in a variety of different diseases with an initial focus on heart failure (Wallukat et al 1987).

They identified BC 007, a DNA-based aptamer that could specifically target and neutralize functional autoantibodies directed against G protein-coupled receptors. A Phase I study was conducted where BC 007 was shown to be safe and well-tolerated.

Since the development of functional autoantibodies directed against G protein-coupled receptors can most likely be attributed to viral infections in general, in the combat of the sequelae of the pandemic of Covid-19 it was decided to investigate if these functional autoantibodies were present in patients with Long Covid Syndrome (LCS). In more than 90% of the patients, a specific pattern of autoantibodies has been detected (Wallukat et al. 2021).

At the University Hospital of Erlangen (Germany), four individual patients with an extremely pronounced LCS were treated with BC 007 under compassionate use conditions All patients demonstrated remarkable signs of recovery after a single infusion with BC 007. A double-blind randomized phase II clinical trial is now underway to confirm these promising observations.

Berlin cures recently completed a Phase IIa study in subjects with heart failure. Results demonstrated that that treatment with BC 007 resulted in a clear and clinically meaningful improvement in their heart ejection fraction. Furthermore, long-lasting neutralization of functional autoantibodies of more than 12 months was observed following treatment. Encouraged by these clinical observations, Berlin Cures plans to conduct a Phase IIb in subjects with advanced heart failure.

To offer relief through the Curative Potential of BC 007

To medically treat diseases associated with the existence of functional pathological autoantibodies against G protein-coupled receptors.

A Dedicated Group of Bold Thinkers 

The Berlin Cures Core Team comprises well-known industry experts, experienced strategists and key scientists who are scientifically renowned specialists concerning the neutralization of pathogenic autoantibodies.

Management Team

Chief Executive Officer

Dr. Oliver von Stein

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Chief Medical Officer

Dr. Axel Mescheder

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Chief Operating Officer

Dr. Peter Göttel

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Chief Science Officer

Dr. Johannes Müller

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Board of Directors

Chairman of the Board

Rainer Böhm

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Member of the Board

Dr. Oliver von Stein

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Co-Founder and Member of the Board, Investor Relations

Marko Bagaric

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Member of the Board

Craig Basson MD, PhD

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Member of the Board

Gerrard Terlouw PhD, MBA

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Member of the Board

Dr. Jörg Windisch

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Advisory Board

Prof. Christian Mardin

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Prof. Carmen Scheibenbogen

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Prof. John McMurray

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Prof. Carl Erb

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Prof. Stephane Heymans

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Prof. Friedemann Paul

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